There is something magical, calming and reinvigorating about waterfalls. I personally fall in awe before the power and inexplicable beauty of these active bodies of water. A visit to Multnomah Falls was at the top of our places to visit when we went to Portland, Oregon. Our first glance of the marvelous falls was during our drive along the Columbia River Gorge going from Spokane, Washington to Portland—“Oh wow!”—we both exclaimed in complete astonishment.
We set out to visit the falls as early in the morning as possible, as we had read that the parking lot fills up quickly. Arriving at about nine in the morning, it was chilly yet the falls took your breath away. We hiked along the paved trail to the Benson Bridge where “you have a perfect view of the top tier’s full 542-foot height”*, and continued our way to the top of the falls. For most of the hike we were the only people, once we headed back, an influx of school teenagers were passing us by attempting to make it to the top, thus perfect timing.
Photos are hard to convey the magnificence of these falls, nonetheless, here are a few photos to take in the exquisiteness that Mother Nature has once again delighted us with.